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Define an Expiry Date on your Coaching Products

You can define an automated expiry date on your coaching products that are added to your Coaching Store. This feature will enable you to add an expiry date to each product and when this product is purchased by a student or added to their account via a member of your team, the expiry date will be generated based on the purchase date. 

When the coaching product that is added to the student's account reaches the expiry date, the credits within the student's account will automatically become deactivated. When credits become deactivated, they are no longer able to be used against bookings and will not be visible to the student within their account. The revenue at the point of purchase and the credits redeemed will remain in the various reports and system insights. 

Adding an Expiry Date to your Products

  • From the Store Admin area, navigate to Catalog in the menu side bar and choose Products from the drop down menu. This screen will show previously created store products or you can create a new product. 

  • On the product creation screen, you will see an option to edit the Expiry Limit (Months). You can update this field to indicate after how many months the credits will expire based on the purchase date.

  • Once complete, click save

After a product is processed through the store, you can see the expiry date that is automatically generated using the expiry date and settings previously outlined for this product:

Viewing & Editing Expiry Dates

You can view and edit the expiry date of products that have been processed through your coaching store from within the Academy Credits screen in the Manager user role. On this screen, you will seen an expiry date column and in this column you will see the following three options:

1. Date - When a date is listed, this is where the expiry date has been automatically generated using the settings in the product setup page, or it has be manually updated by the manager. 

2. Not Set - This will show when the associated product does not have an expiry date limit activated or will show against products processed prior to the expiry date feature being available. These credits do not have an expiry date set and will never become deactivated. 

3. N/A - This applies to lessons or classes previously booked and marked as paid in the schedule but where the reschedule option has been used. 

You can edit the expiry date by using the Action Menu Icon on the right hand side of each product. Select the expiry date option from the drop down menu and amend the expiry date using the calendar option. This change will then be updated on the Academy Credits screen and the credits will be deactivated on this updated date. 

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