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Finding Student Transaction History & Packages/ Gift Cards on Account

You can see all information relating to a students lesson activity from within the Student Transaction History screen. This screen will allow you to see the following:

  1. Lesson Packages
  2. Gift Cards
  3. Lesson History

To get to the 'Transaction History' screen for a particular student, you will need to be logged in to your coach locker account on the web-based system through your mobile or desktop browser. Follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to the Student's page from the menu navigation:

2. Search for the student or navigate through the list view. Edit the number of student accounts to see on a single page by using the drop down menu on the right hand side:

3. Once you have found the student, click on the menu icon on the right hand side and select 'Transaction History'.

4. You can navigate across the 3 tabs at the top of the page to get to each section:

Lesson Packages

By clicking on this tab, any coaching credits that sit within the student's account will show in a list view. This may either be any rescheduled paid lessons or coaching packages processed through the coaching store. The list view will show:

  • Credits Used - The total coaching credits that have been applied to bookings in the schedule. 1 credit is equal to 1 minute of coaching time.
  • Credits Remaining - The total remaining credits based on the associated credits for the rescheduled lesson or coaching package.
  • Amount Used - The total revenue assigned to the coaching credits that have been used. Based on the total minutes and total cost of the lesson or coaching package.
  • Amount Remaining - The total revenue remaining based on the total credits and cost of the lesson or package.

By clicking on the action button on the right hand side, you can then see further information relating to the rescheduled lessons or coaching packages including a breakdown of the specific lessons where coaching credits have been applied:

Gift Card

This view will show a list view of gift cards that have been applied to a customer's account. These gift cards will only show when the gift card code has been added by the student to their account or when the gift card code has been applied at the checkout stage. Any remaining balance outstanding will also show in this view. 

  • Amount Used - This is the value of the gift card that has been applied to a lesson, class or product in the store.
  • Amount Remaining - This is the remaining value on the gift card after the code has been applied. 

By clicking on the action button, you are then able to see a further breakdown of where the gift card balance has been applied. 

Lesson History

The final tab. Gives you a list view of the student lesson history regardless of the lesson type and payment type, all one to one lessons or classes that the student has attended will show here. 

  • Transaction Date - This is the date that the lesson or class was booked by you or the customer.
  • Lesson Date - This is the date of the one to one lesson or in the case of class bookings, the first event date within the class. 

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