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Store Updates - New Monthly Subscription Product

You now have the option to create subscription based products on the Coaching Store. This functionality has been added due to the increased trend of subscription based coach services in the industry and feedback from users. 

Those who have a payment gateway setup on their system using the Stripe integration can sell these subscription products to their students via the store, enabling students to setup the subscription using their preferred payment card. Coaches can also process these subscriptions on behalf of the customer. 

Those who are not utilising the payment integration can also take advantage of the Payment link feature, whereby the student will receive a secure payment link for each subscription occurrence to the email address listed on their profile. 

Users who are not currently integrated with online payments, can also utilise this feature using the Pay at Academy option. Subscription products can be processed on the student's behalf and the paid status for each subscription occurrence can be updated using the sub payment within your system. 

Within the subscription feature, there are two product types that can be setup:

Split Payment Subscription:

You have the option to setup a Coaching Product on the Store and allow students to purchase the product in full and pay for it over a definite number of monthly payments. 

At checkout, the student will have the option to Pay in Full or Pay by Monthly Subscription.

Effectively, this functionality is a buy now, pay later option. It is important to note, that enabling this option comes at a level of risk to you.

When a product is purchased using this option, the credit minutes assigned to the product will be deposited into the students account at checkout. Therefore, this means the student can book and redeem the credits but has not yet paid the full balance for the product. 

It is your responsibility to ensure students meet the terms and conditions you set out for this product and pay the future payments which are owed. We recommend when using this product type, you ensure your terms and conditions are clear for this product on the store area:

Recurring Payment Subscription

You have the option to setup a Coaching Product on the Store and allow students to sign up for a recurring monthly subscription.

With this option, you are creating a product whereby for each month of the subscription, the credits will be added to the students account which can be redeemed in the specific program filter in the booking system. An example would be a monthly coaching program where the student is paying a set fee for a certain amount of coaching time. 

Any un-used credits within a months subscription, are automatically deactivated on the expiry date if this is enabled. Within this option, students only have the option to purchase the product under a monthly subscription and cannot pay in full for the product:

To learn more about this new feature, we recommend you view the Training Course 'Getting Started with the Store' and additional Getting Started training courses with supporting material for this feature.

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