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Customise Booking Confirmations & Reminders for Each Programme Filter

Within the editable Student Email feature, you have the option to create different Booking Confirmation and Reminder emails for different programme options on your Booking System.

With this feature, you can setup a confirmation or reminder to be sent depending on the exact program filter that has been booked. This allows you to add specific email verbiage, links and banners that matches the student's booking preferences. You can use this to promote specific terms and conditions of the booking as well as promotions and offers. To setup this feature, follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to Email Templates within the Email Menu navigation:

  • From the Email Templates screen, find the Booking Confirmation or Reminder from the list view of email templates. Once you have found the template, click on the Action Menu Icon:

  • On this screen, you have the option to select the Programme Type within your Active Booking System filters from the drop down list. By selecting the programme type, the template email below will repopulate and you can edit the email for bookings specific to this program filter:

  • By selecting the 'All' option, the template email will be used for all bookings regardless of the program type:

  • Once you have made the edits, ensure you have activated the Status checkbox and clicked save in the bottom right corner:

To fully take advantage of this new feature, we recommend you visit the 'Getting Started' Training Module section from within the Support/Training Hub and complete our new module 'Getting Started: Student Email Confirmations'.

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