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Program Filter Icon on the Schedule View Improvement

On the schedule view, you can add a Program Filter Icon to identify which bookings relate to specific Program Filters. This helps you to scan your schedule and the booking types taking place. To help you utilise this feature, we have now improved the formatting of the way this icon displays on the schedule view and added a helpful hover state. 

The first improvement is the icon will always display without impacting the information that appears on the booking:

Secondly, on hovering over the icon on the web a hover state will appear which will indicate the program filter. This functionality is also available on Mobile Web but the icon must be clicked in order to display the Program Filter name:

How to add your Program Filter Icon

To add an icon to your Program Filters and make these display on your schedule view, follow the steps below:

  • Firstly, from the Manager User Role, navigate to the Booking System filters screen under Booking Admin.
  • Next, find the program filter you want to add the icon to and click the edit icon on the right hand side:

  • In the bottom right corner of the pop up window, you can upload your icon by selecting from the pre-loaded repository or upload your own image:

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