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Manage Payment Links

One of the internal payment options available within the GLF.Locker system is the 'Pay by Link' feature. This feature, available for users accepting payments for lessons or classes via Credit or Debit Card enables a secure payment link to be sent to the customers. This link can then be used by the customer to make payment through a secure page on your system. This is a great feature to give your customers more flexibility when engaging within your coaching services. 

We have now added a Payment Links screen to the GLF.Locker system. Enabling you to track payment links and resend the link to customers or cancel the link when payment is made through an alternative method or a booking is cancelled. 

Navigate to Booking Admin and select 'Payment Links':

On this screen, you will see a list view of payment links and the following data columns:

  • Lesson Booked Date - The date of the lesson in the schedule or start date of a class booking
  • Transaction Date - The date the lesson or class booking was processed
  • Player Name - Name of the student
  • Player Email - Email listed within the student profile
  • Payment Link - This allows you to see a copy of the checkout screen for the booking
  • Status - Indicates if the link is still outstanding (Active) or has been used (Paid) or has been cancelled (Expired)

By clicking on the action menu icon on the right-hand side, you can then select two options:

You can re-send the payment link to the student and also deactivate the link. On choosing this option, the link can no longer be used and payment reminders will no longer be sent to the student.

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