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Updates to the Other Roles Screen

Within the GLF.Locker system, you can create users with access to the Manager and Pro Shop user roles. This is useful for front of house staff or management and allows them to access the functionality with these users roles. 

You now have increased functionality to manage users with access to these user roles and this includes:

  • Viewing Active and In-Active Users
  • Update User Roles
  • Deactivate Users

To manager users, navigate to the Coach Management screen. On this screen, select Other Roles in the top right corner of the screen:

On this screen, you can firstly switch between Active Users and In-Active users using the tabular options. You can also view All Users. Selecting one of these options will repopulate the list view of users and the functionality available.

From the Active Coaches tab, you can view a list view of these users including name, email, phone and the user role access. By clicking the Action icon, you can reset the user password, deactivate their account and edit the user roles they have access to:

From the In-Active Users tab, you can activate the user and perform the same actions:

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