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App 3.0 - New Lesson & Class Appointment Screens

Managing appointments is an important feature within the GLF.Locker App. We understand that coaches need to be able to view information relating to a booking easily, update the payment status of lessons and easily move, delete and reschedule lessons or student places on classes. 

With the new 3.0 GLF.Locker, we have updated the Lesson and Class appointment screens to allow you to access enhanced features and improved navigations. 

You can access the appointment screen in the following ways:

  • From the Activity Feed - You can navigate to the appointment screen for a specific booking by finding the notification from the Activity Feed. Once you find the notification, select View Booking in the bottom right corner. 
  • From the Schedule > Upcoming Lessons - By selecting this option from the menu option, you can view a list view of future lesson or class bookings. After selecting the booking, you will be navigated to the Appointment Screen.
  • From the Calendar - From the calendar single day view, you can tap on a class session or lesson booking to view the Appointment Screen.

What's New?

Let's begin by looking at the One to One/Private booking Appointment Screen. On this screen you can access the following features:

  • Contact Quick Links In the header navigation, you can access two contact options to message the student or email the student.
  • Edit Price - You can easily edit the price of the booking by clicking the edit icon next to the lesson price. 
  • View Payment Type - For lessons currently unpaid, the payment type will display as Pay at Academy, and for lessons marked as paid, the exact sub payment type will show or the alternative main payment type such as Package. 
  • New Start and End Time View - You can clearly identify the start and end time of the lesson.
  • Update Paid Status - By selecting the radio icon, you can mark Pay at Academy bookings as paid and select the sub payment type.
  • Checked In Status - You can check the student in for the lesson with the functionality mirroring the web/mobile web based system.
  • Booking Actions - You can perform a number of actions relating to the booking included changing the payment type, view media added to the booking via the media feature and move, delete and reschedule the booking.

You can also take similar actions for class appointments with a slightly different navigation from the Appointment Screen. 

  • Coaches - At the top of the screen you can view Coaches delivering the class sessions. These are coaches added at Step 3 of the class setup steps.
  • Class Attendees Tab - You can view the attendees added to the Class.
  • Class Sessions - You can view the class sessions including their date, start time and end time.

The actions for each individual student are available from the Class Attendees tab. 

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